

We are excited about the fun-filled summer we’ve planned for our campers in preschool through those going into sixth grade in the fall! Camp WA offers a wide range of structured activities that are age-appropriate and loads of fun! This activities-based camp is open to children turning two before September 1 through those going into sixth grade in the fall. Camp WA provides a fun, safe, and secure environment at an affordable price. Most of all, our dedicated staff provides a high-quality camp experience. Our elementary camp partners with Booster to make this a summer to remember with new enrichment activities....

Service is a trait we focus on throughout the school. Our Lower School and PREP students had a wonderful opportunity to be a part of blessing students at College Susan Schuenke in Haiti. The Lower School and PREP Student Council packed over 300 bags with presents for each student at the school. They also made Gospel bracelets to help share the love of Christ. Not only did this project allow our younger students an opportunity to serve, but WA alumni were involved as well! Sling bags were donated by Chris Carneal, Class of ’98, of Booster, and in conjunction with...

The PREP & Lower School Student Council went Christmas caroling throughout the Imperial Point and Pompano Beach area. They visited the Savoy at Fort Lauderdale Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, passed out Christmas coloring pages, and then sang several Christmas songs. The students then visited several homes and finished the evening at the highly decorated and famous Macek Family Christmas Lights in Pompano Beach. The Upper School Student Councils, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Broward, held a Christmas Toy Drive. Through your generosity, student council members and additional student volunteers were able to distribute presents to 60 families in the Rick...

Grades 3–6 participated in Digital T.H.I.N.K. Week, led by PREP Principal Dr. Rebekah Owens. The purpose of this week was to help students make thoughtful and positive choices with technology while recognizing that their choices affect their community and themselves. Each day, students and teachers focused on a specific topic supporting good digital citizenship. The primary goal was to help our students understand the importance of their digital footprint and view it from a biblical perspective. Psalm 19:14 (ESV), “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and...

The 12th Annual Westminster Academy Sporting Clay Tournament, presented by Fusion Powder Coating, is coming up on Friday, December 1, at Quail Creek Sporting Ranch in Okeechobee. Spend the day in the great outdoors! Participants will enjoy a country breakfast, then take aim at clay pigeons on a 14-station course, and end the event with a hearty lunch. All skill levels are welcome to participate! However, all minors must be accompanied by a participating parent. The registration fee is $400 per shooter, $1600 per foursome, and student entry is $200. Visit wa.edu/clay to register by Monday, November 20! Please contact the...