A Word from Dr. Satterly—August 15, 2024

A Word from Dr. Satterly—August 15, 2024

​​Dear WA Community,

As we embark on a new school year together, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued trust and partnership in Christian education. Westminster Academy is more than an institution; it is a community rooted in Christian values. Our mission to nurture young minds and hearts in a faith-based environment remains steadfast. We are committed to providing a comprehensive education that equips students with academic excellence and instills in them a Biblical worldview.

What makes Westminster Academy unique is our community. Yesterday, we marked the beginning of the school year with Convocation—a gathering in community to worship, fellowship, and collectively glorify God and ask His blessing on our school year. It also serves as an opportunity to introduce our theme for the 2024–2025 school year—Of One Accord.

Of One Accord is taken from Romans 15. The context primarily deals with interpersonal relationships, particularly in the church. Paul is writing to the church in Rome about how believers ought to interact. Our current cultural reality looks much like ancient Rome. Their world was pagan, complex, and secular, and so is ours. This passage is timely.

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5–6

But why an old-sounding phrase like “of one accord” instead of a catchy one-word theme? Unity or even harmony, perhaps? Simply put, the original language of the text holds a much deeper meaning. Rather than mere agreement, the verses speak to a deeply held and firmly shared conviction and commitment that is secured by the work of Christ, not by our own hand.

In a culture that wants to separate and divide, our community comes together to be Of One Accord.

To God be the Glory!

Dr. Joel Satterly