Headmaster Messages

​​Dear WA Community,  Every summer the school’s leadership team develops five or six annual goals which are in turn approved by the school board. These goals help set priorities, drive action, and provide short-term performance indicators. They are couched within our strategic plan and are impacted by survey results and industry benchmarks. One of our goals this year simply reads—“invest in faculty.” To be fair, this goal has four clarifying and accompanying bullet points. The first is related to compensation and the second is regarding faculty training, namely worldview development. Recently we implemented a phased initiative to offer the highest compensation...

​​Dear WA Community,  A couple of times each month the leadership gathers for a meeting. Typically each meeting begins with a devotion and a celebration of what God is doing at Westminster Academy. Most of the time, I lead devotions and very much look forward to sharing with the team. This year, however, that responsibility has rotated among the members. Each devotion reflected the individual’s unique gifts and talents, but more importantly, displayed their deep love of Christ and their insight into God’s Word. At our most recent meeting, Dr. Farrar, shared a devotion on the “Seven Utterances of Christ on...

​​Dear WA Community,  It has been said that on March 17, everyone is Irish. I am not sure what the good citizens of the emerald-isle think about that, but I do know that many yield to social convention and wear some sort of green attire on St. Patrick’s Day. When we lived in Chicagoland, this was a particularly big holiday featuring parades and a green Chicago River. Regardless of your affinity for corned beef and cabbage, it is hard to miss the celebration of this particular identity. This identity issue seems to dominate the news these days as we see and read...

​​Dear WA Community,  We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 27. This year’s ceremony will send off the 50th graduating class from Westminster Academy, and like everything else in our 50th Anniversary Year, we wanted this to be extra special. It was important to find a speaker who both knows our community and has the pedigree appropriate for such an occasion. We are grateful to have found such an individual.  We are pleased to announce that this year’s commencement speaker will be Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.  Dr. Mohler serves as president of The Southern Baptist...

Dear WA Community, Perhaps you are one who engages in new year’s resolutions. I know some people use that practice with great effectiveness, unfortunately, I am not really one of them. Instead, I’ve learned to embrace the new year’s reflection. Flipping the calendar serves as a catalyst to review and reflect on what has transpired in the past twelve months. It is a way of seeing God’s faithful hand, noting the struggle and progress that marks the journey. This year, my new year’s reflection gazed back further than just the intervening twelve months. It went all the way back to the last...