A Word From Dr. Satterly—January 12, 2023

A Word From Dr. Satterly—January 12, 2023

​Dear WA Community,

The new year often represents an opportunity to reset. Some capture this idea with “resolutions,” which, while well-intentioned, can tend to have a short shelf life. To wit, I don’t have access to the data, but I suspect that gym memberships and training sessions spike around the middle of January and are in full decline by March. If I’m honest, my own willpower to avoid chocolate can be fleeting. That isn’t to say that milestones such as January 1 aren’t useful, nor are resolutions in and of themselves a bad thing. It is just that all too often, they are short on conviction, lack vision, and miss on being compelling. In other words, the “why” is missing.

In contrast to that common new year practice, consider what the significance and power of mission and calling, grounded on God’s word, looks like. It looks like Westminster Academy. Since 1971, we have held deeply to the notion that the Christian school plays a critical role in the development of the next generation of the Church. Actually, we have understood that not just any school will do. Rather, one intentionally constructed on the foundation of God’s word, oriented toward both academic rigor and faith formation, and in the pursuit of excellence is necessary for mission fulfillment.

Westminster Academy was birthed from a big vision, with deep conviction and a compelling mission. This has driven us for more than 50 years and continues to drive us forward. The good news is that while some may use resolutions of the new year to compel change, Westminster Academy does not waver and remains devoted to Christ and dedicated to excellence. So instead of the new year prompting a resolution to change, we will use it to reaffirm our commitment and to be reminded about our mission.

To God be the Glory!

Dr. Joel Satterly