2024 Seniors: A Faith-Filled Farewell with Laughter and Song

2024 Seniors: A Faith-Filled Farewell with Laughter and Song

The Class of 2024 at Westminster Academy recently embarked on their senior trip, a six-day-long adventure that solidified their bond as a class and sent them off into the next chapter with a heart full of memories.

The trip was far more than sightseeing and nature parks. The ever-enthusiastic Mr. Jominy shared his signature devotion with the seniors—a WA tradition! Another class favorite was “The Best Story Ever Told,” followed by open discussion – which provided a thoughtful and spiritual way to center the day. These sessions fostered a sense of community and reminded the seniors of the Christian values that have guided them throughout their high school journey.

Their evenings were filled with laughter and friendly competition, and one unforgettable night featured a freestyle karaoke session—a testament to the class’s musical talent. Instead of pre-selected songs, classmates yelled out memories from the trip or even inside jokes from their years together. The group then spontaneously created rhymes and sang about these experiences, creating a hilarious and heartwarming soundtrack to their journey.

This freestyle karaoke session perfectly captured the spirit of the Class of 2024—united, talented, and always ready to find joy in the unexpected. From Mr. Jominy’s insightful devotions to the spontaneous moments of laughter, the senior trip was a fitting farewell for this remarkable group. As they head off to colleges and beyond, they carry with them not only the knowledge gained in the classroom but also the enduring bonds of friendship and faith forged during their time at WA. They leave behind a legacy of laughter, faith, and the ability to turn any memory into a song. Congratulations to the class of 2024!