15 Mar Boosterthon Fun Run Sets New Record!
Every year, Boosterthon puts the “fun” in fundraising. While the Lower School Fun Run held on February 17 was, in fact, fun, it was also a huge success and raised over $60,000, which sets a new record! These funds will help provide playground enhancements that will be completed over the summer.
Students from PK2 through fifth grade spent two weeks getting pledges and receiving prizes. In addition, students built up their character. The event culminated on the field with the run, and older students got an extra special treat—a color run! A special thank you goes to our Community Partner, Benedetti Orthodontics, for joining us on the field to hand out popsicles to our deserving runners and coffee for parents.
To view highlights from the day, check out our Facebook album. Thank you for supporting your student and WA for this year’s Fun Run!